Well it is Friday night and even though my concert I have been waiting for is tomorrow I dont want Saturday to come. I just know it is going to be a sad day. Have I expressed how much I hate financing things, it was drives the market up, there would never be a 30k car if it were not for financing or 800k homes. Well if you can imagine by my rant I went car shopping on Thursday, and I found the perfect car for me and mine, it was a 2000 eurovan totally loaded, well as loaded as the eurovans come, for an ok price. I went and looked at it loved it wasnt sure about it went home and looked it up on the all knowing all powerful net, found out what I needed and that is was a good deal, called hubby and we went down to get it. It was the best experience we had ever had, we decide to keep our old car as well as there new one so we finally had 2 cars.Well this is the issue, we have well. Umm not so great credit back in 00 we had a kid with no insurance and I had to stop working so we had to file for bankruptcy.I always hated it but we were stuck, anyway we paid everyone back, did a chapter 13, and now its been over for a little over a year now. Im sure you can imagine what this dose to us wanting to finance a used car, new is ok but used they dont like so much. Well I dont know if you know this but when you leave with a car usually you dont usually have at he loan per say it still takes the loan people at the dealership a few days to finalize it. But there are very sure of the transaction they let you take the car. Some times you have to take the car back.this happened to a friend of our about 3 years ago and us 2 years ago. Well I didnt want to take the car till I was written in stone not in sand. Everyone told me it was ok it was a done deal even my hubby said it was ok Well today we got a call from the finance guy, I have no clue what he wanted because I wasnt home but I know we have to call him tomorrow and Im sure its to take the car back. *sigh* I feel like I always miss out on the thing that would be very useful to meI never get them until I almost dont need them anymore. Oh well I made it work with our car before I can again. Thats my rant and why I havent been around for a few days. How was everyones week? Would love to hear st pattys day stories I was at the dealer all day so I missed going out.

Wow, it must be really hard being a car salesman. I don't think I could ever do it, I'd probably just yell at that person that had been staring at the car for about 5 hours and just tell them to fucking buy it!!!

maaaaaaan, that would make me feel so terrible!! Jesus, Im so sorry darling, its got to be so hard for you to get something so nice then have to give it away. *sigh* Well, I guess you can look at the bright side, eh? At least you have a car, right?