Wow I have a need to update today and yet I dont think I have anything to say, Sigh. Well my son got sick I felt so bad for him I have not seen him this sick in along time. Why is it that kids never realize that we are trying to help them. He is 5 years old and I put vicks on his chest, he was freaking out wanted it off hates the smell anything he could complain about. I had to convince him that it would help him and that if he just fell asleep that the small would not feel as strong, after an hour of this and him whining he finally fell asleep, just to wake up this morning amazed at how much better he felt. One would think that this would be a lesson but if I try to put it on him again tonight it will be the same fight.
We have a good friend who is going to be moving here from the UK. He is totally adorable and sweet. He is going through a heart breaking divorce and I feel so bad for him because he loves her so much still. I hope the move will do him good. He is bringing his son who is just a few days younger then my daughter so thats going to be awesome my kids will have another friend to play with. I hope they get along after all we will all be living together for a while. I cant wait till they get here. Want to help him find a good woman when he gets hereAny suggestions? LOL
Started working out again, thats a good thing want to get my stamina up so I can try out for roller derby. The SCA season is going to start soon so I need to get to sewing garb (clothing) for the kids and I and even my husband this year W00T!! Then I need to get my hands on a pavilion (tent) and Ill be set for the year.
Just before my sad break for the site I had ruined my hair cut it all off myself and colored it all black. Well Im happy to say that it has grown out enough o be cut into an a-line and I have gone back to the red. Its funny how much I missed it. Strange how something like a hair cut can make us feel so differently.Maybe its my Bi-polar talking LOL
I guess I had more to say then I thought
We have a good friend who is going to be moving here from the UK. He is totally adorable and sweet. He is going through a heart breaking divorce and I feel so bad for him because he loves her so much still. I hope the move will do him good. He is bringing his son who is just a few days younger then my daughter so thats going to be awesome my kids will have another friend to play with. I hope they get along after all we will all be living together for a while. I cant wait till they get here. Want to help him find a good woman when he gets hereAny suggestions? LOL
Started working out again, thats a good thing want to get my stamina up so I can try out for roller derby. The SCA season is going to start soon so I need to get to sewing garb (clothing) for the kids and I and even my husband this year W00T!! Then I need to get my hands on a pavilion (tent) and Ill be set for the year.
Just before my sad break for the site I had ruined my hair cut it all off myself and colored it all black. Well Im happy to say that it has grown out enough o be cut into an a-line and I have gone back to the red. Its funny how much I missed it. Strange how something like a hair cut can make us feel so differently.Maybe its my Bi-polar talking LOL
I guess I had more to say then I thought

awww man ... divorce has got to be the hardest thing in the world to go through. That poor kid ... wont being so far away from his mommy be a BAD thing?? I mean, thats an ENTIRE country!!
Hope your friend has a better time in the states, a move always helps.