Ok well I have officially decided that my cat is psycho. My hands are cut the shit out off and I just found out that my wireless keeps dropping cause she has been chew on the antenna. Grrrrr it a good thing shes so damn cute. I have been trying to figure out why she acts the way she dose and if there is anything I can do about it. Since she is a feral cat Im not sure her bread. Those with her attitude is seems she maybe part Main coon (sp?) or Maltese (sp?) But my hands are torn up and scaring it bad she get my ankles and shins too. She not to mean too my kids though, odd. My husband fights with her all the time and she loves it purrrrs as shes drawing blood. If I though declawing would fix it I may consider it but she used her teeth as much as her claws. I was reading a site that said she my have alpha cat syndrome. Where she thinks she owns us and we are to do things for her. They suggested training her with a clicker and a squirt gun. I think Im going to try all I have to train her is to sit. Then she has to sit to get her mealsits like teaching a kid to say please. I hope this works, I will not get rid of her she is sooo cute and soooo sweet when she wants to be.
I also saw a site that said she may have displaced aggression. This may be too because we have rats and she REALLY want to get at the rats. They suggest that I put her in a dark quits room for a few minutes so she can calm down. This is what we have been doing but Im not sure if its working. I dont now next step is asking a vet if declawing will help..god I hate the idea of declawing but I hate the idea of her bouncing from home to home more.
On City of Heros I found a hero planner to help me find the best thing to do for my character to make her the best healer EVER mwahahaha ok maybe not but a damn good one.
We had a meeting yesterday with the SCA household we camp with I AM NOW AN OFFICIAL MEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot this is exciting for me. We are going camping the 3 weekend in august and we are going to start camping SCA style next spring. OH SHIT I need to get sewing a kilt for my hubby. And making a tent..To make a tent or buy. Ill have to see if my poor sewing machine can handle it.
OK thats all I will put you guys through.
I also saw a site that said she may have displaced aggression. This may be too because we have rats and she REALLY want to get at the rats. They suggest that I put her in a dark quits room for a few minutes so she can calm down. This is what we have been doing but Im not sure if its working. I dont now next step is asking a vet if declawing will help..god I hate the idea of declawing but I hate the idea of her bouncing from home to home more.
On City of Heros I found a hero planner to help me find the best thing to do for my character to make her the best healer EVER mwahahaha ok maybe not but a damn good one.
We had a meeting yesterday with the SCA household we camp with I AM NOW AN OFFICIAL MEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot this is exciting for me. We are going camping the 3 weekend in august and we are going to start camping SCA style next spring. OH SHIT I need to get sewing a kilt for my hubby. And making a tent..To make a tent or buy. Ill have to see if my poor sewing machine can handle it.
OK thats all I will put you guys through.
Awww, psycho kitty? Have u tried any of those "cat sprays" that keep ur kitties from destroying ur crap?
Yeah this country definitely screwed itself with the gun issue .. because now .. even if they DID ban them, only the GOOD ppl would turn them in, leaving them more succeptable to bad guys, who will get the guns whenever they want no matter WHAT. so its like .. now whatcha gonna do, amercia? u created a monster!