**Yeah soo I ah was drinking coffee in Spiffs tonight..26 cups and counting let me tell ya.. and this um girl asked me to write a song to her explaining why guys are gay..
You see she just found out her boyfriend was cheating on her tonight and ah yeah asked me for some friendly advise..Soo ok yeah..well
usually I'm not one to give much advise but in this situation I made an exeption to the rule..
soo ah after about 5 mins of thought this is what I ah came up with..Err let me know what you guys think..Ok here goes**
"Why Guys Are Gay!"
lyrics by GodCldinSick
I don't know why girls find guys charming or anything at all.
I don't know why girls always seem to fall.
I don't know why these girls think the way they do.
Cause guys everywhere are stupid..you know it's sad but soo true.
And if you happen to be a guy..sadly you must be stupid too.
Why oh why do these girls like these guys..
Why oh fucking why do they fall victim to there lies..
The ones that cry must be homo's cause they show feelings and shit.
The ones that look appealing must be cheating and shit.
I'm sick of it all, guys are fucking gay.. I wanna turn chick today.
I can't explain why they go for jerkoff's and musclebound frieks.
I can't explain why they don't fall in love with those sensative geeks.
Your the nice guy who has a brain you have no chance with her in Hell.
Leave the prom and go home now cause she will never show and tell.
I know it's pretty gay but she's in love with that drunkin dick today.
Why oh why do these girls like these guys..
why oh fucking why do they fall victim to there lies..
the ones that care must be retarded cause they show feelings and shit!
the ones that are fucking crazy must be cheating and shit!
I'm so damn sick of it all, guys are fucking gay..I'm gonna turn chick today!
** Spoken Really Really Fast **
**..Hey You.. yeah thats right I'm talking to you..Listen up..
If your the girl who's looking for the one..
your special someone..If you wanna find the right one..then heed my warning honey and run..Thats right RUN!!..Run far far away..Why you ask me..
Cause guys are fucking gay..
Well not all guys but most guys anyway..
take my advise girl go date yourself a machine today..
You can't go wrong with a machine!
wait I'm a guy..Err no wait I'm A Girl..Err nope thats not right..Ooooh I know..I'm a machine..
Yeah a machine..a Fucking machine..I dub myself Machina!..Overlord of the underverse..Or is it the Universe..
I got it now it's the Universal Underverse..Yeah Machina!..Overlord and Creator of the Universal Underverse..
I have you under my spell now..
You must date Machina! Creator..Lord..and Master of all that is the Universal Underverse..
I don't know what that means but it sounds pretty cool so we'll go with it..Err wait do machines drink coffee in the Universal ahh forget it I'm going home!...**
*yeah the top part goes with the song, she got a kick out of it so I'm glad I could cheer her up a little..err I hope I cheered you up a little to.*
You see she just found out her boyfriend was cheating on her tonight and ah yeah asked me for some friendly advise..Soo ok yeah..well
usually I'm not one to give much advise but in this situation I made an exeption to the rule..
soo ah after about 5 mins of thought this is what I ah came up with..Err let me know what you guys think..Ok here goes**
"Why Guys Are Gay!"
lyrics by GodCldinSick
I don't know why girls find guys charming or anything at all.
I don't know why girls always seem to fall.
I don't know why these girls think the way they do.
Cause guys everywhere are stupid..you know it's sad but soo true.
And if you happen to be a guy..sadly you must be stupid too.
Why oh why do these girls like these guys..
Why oh fucking why do they fall victim to there lies..
The ones that cry must be homo's cause they show feelings and shit.
The ones that look appealing must be cheating and shit.
I'm sick of it all, guys are fucking gay.. I wanna turn chick today.
I can't explain why they go for jerkoff's and musclebound frieks.
I can't explain why they don't fall in love with those sensative geeks.
Your the nice guy who has a brain you have no chance with her in Hell.
Leave the prom and go home now cause she will never show and tell.
I know it's pretty gay but she's in love with that drunkin dick today.
Why oh why do these girls like these guys..
why oh fucking why do they fall victim to there lies..
the ones that care must be retarded cause they show feelings and shit!
the ones that are fucking crazy must be cheating and shit!
I'm so damn sick of it all, guys are fucking gay..I'm gonna turn chick today!
** Spoken Really Really Fast **
**..Hey You.. yeah thats right I'm talking to you..Listen up..
If your the girl who's looking for the one..
your special someone..If you wanna find the right one..then heed my warning honey and run..Thats right RUN!!..Run far far away..Why you ask me..
Cause guys are fucking gay..
Well not all guys but most guys anyway..
take my advise girl go date yourself a machine today..
You can't go wrong with a machine!
wait I'm a guy..Err no wait I'm A Girl..Err nope thats not right..Ooooh I know..I'm a machine..
Yeah a machine..a Fucking machine..I dub myself Machina!..Overlord of the underverse..Or is it the Universe..
I got it now it's the Universal Underverse..Yeah Machina!..Overlord and Creator of the Universal Underverse..
I have you under my spell now..
You must date Machina! Creator..Lord..and Master of all that is the Universal Underverse..
I don't know what that means but it sounds pretty cool so we'll go with it..Err wait do machines drink coffee in the Universal ahh forget it I'm going home!...**
*yeah the top part goes with the song, she got a kick out of it so I'm glad I could cheer her up a little..err I hope I cheered you up a little to.*

maybe i'll see ya soon at a seattle event or something!
i think you need to update.