rawr! Leaving tomorrow to go to chicago, Woo!#!@?! Uh, i'll be gone from 18-24th... wish me fun
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Tuesday Jun 22, 2004
uh... having a blast in chicago, why cant i just live here? people he… -
Thursday Jun 17, 2004
rawr! Leaving tomorrow to go to chicago, Woo!#!@?! Uh, i'll be gone f… -
Tuesday Jun 15, 2004
hory cow! i'm instarring adobe photoshop 7.0 as we speak. now to get … -
Sunday Jun 13, 2004
brrr, im cold and it sucks. ashleigh isnt home yet, no one else is ho… -
Wednesday Jun 09, 2004
yay! going to the dr tomorrow and get some staples removed from my le… -
Saturday Jun 05, 2004
well this sucks, i'm all broken and cant go anywhere and no one wants… -
Sunday May 30, 2004
i love ashleigh0787, she's comin keep my broken ass company. she's go… -
Saturday May 29, 2004
Hey, i'm back, new and improved w/ a nail in my bone, go me. i'm like… -
Thursday May 27, 2004
mmkay, going under the knife tomorrow to fix my leg. wish me luck -
Saturday May 22, 2004
well today was pretty cool... didnt do much of anything really but it…
be good
hope your leg doesn't bother you too much!