so i just watched "Nomi Song" the documentary about Klaus Nomi. its about time that someone did this. Klaus was such a figure in new york new wave scene. he was just so hard core there havent been many who have compared to him. You can rent it at north coast video if youre in chicago. Only got 4 jumps in this weekend because of...
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11:40 going to jump a building in the loop.
wow, what kind of shoes are you wearing to make a jump like that? do they have built in springs like that Inspector Gadget dude? 

i saw welcome to the dollhouse a long time ago, but i don't remember much about it at all.
that was the only other film of his that i've seen.
as far as palindromes goes, i liked the ambiguity too... all these critics were talking about how they left feeling really depressed and stuff - not me. i don't think the movie was suggesting that you always have to come back exactly where you started - i think that the 'pedaphile' set that rule, and aviva's family broke it. however you could truly argue either way - that they came back to the same place or that they were in new, more evolved places - these arguments are both valid and true.
i liked how he chose all those different actresses to play aviva. i liked the palindrome structure.
most of all, i loved the awkward situations. i thought the [at the time, black and obese] jewish whore in the christian 'family' with that little dweebish child was fucking hilarious. as over the top as it may have seemed, it truly does reflect reality - these hardcore christians really do take it there.
anyway, i dug it.
[Edited on Aug 21, 2005 6:30AM]
that was the only other film of his that i've seen.
as far as palindromes goes, i liked the ambiguity too... all these critics were talking about how they left feeling really depressed and stuff - not me. i don't think the movie was suggesting that you always have to come back exactly where you started - i think that the 'pedaphile' set that rule, and aviva's family broke it. however you could truly argue either way - that they came back to the same place or that they were in new, more evolved places - these arguments are both valid and true.
i liked how he chose all those different actresses to play aviva. i liked the palindrome structure.
most of all, i loved the awkward situations. i thought the [at the time, black and obese] jewish whore in the christian 'family' with that little dweebish child was fucking hilarious. as over the top as it may have seemed, it truly does reflect reality - these hardcore christians really do take it there.
anyway, i dug it.
[Edited on Aug 21, 2005 6:30AM]
so today i was able to get my next three jumps out of the way, not that i wanted them to end. these sere solo. instructer with a radio. tomorrow at least five more, although i need a new pair of shoues and its been forever since i had them. this was sorth every penny of going into debt for. there is an electric fence...
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well shit now its raining and has been all day so i think jumping today is going to be out of the question. maybe ill go tomorrow. This job is really going to be perfect because it will take me all over. when it gets too cold up here they pack up and fly down to mexico for a couple of months. the drop zone...
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thanks for the reminder - i want to go see the movie 'palindromes' at facets today.
Hello to all. I have started this because of a lack of outlet and abundance of time. So from the start. about four monts ago i broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years, not a messy one, but traumatic none the less. I was pretty messed up, she was also my best friend. I spent the next couple of months travelling around the country...
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