Hello from the bricks of the charles and the bark of the block. Tonight was weird. Ya know, I really wish I could have been one of you hip kids. I always got left behind. No scene for me. I was too caught up being a badass out of necessity. Sellin dope and actin bad to put pants on my ass.
I was always last to hear about this band or that band, And I was always the guy standing in back at the show. And I'll tell ya. I always really envied you city kids. All that ingenuity and passion. I should just be thankful that I was exposed.
I can shit on the rug with the best of them and create all kinds of squalor, but writing a song and rallying the troops has always been beyond me. I just can't write what I would like to ever anymore. People like brien just have it. I tried once when my life fell apart, but I just can't stick with it.
I just drink. And I sit around with all kinds of ambition screaming at me, But I was never one of those hip kids. I was juat a dorky lil skin that liked the woods. And I am kinda glad. I just don't know what to think of my generation. Like a dog floating in zero gravity after a ball, ears flappin in the vaccuum.
And I look outside and there is gravel in potholes, whores in skirts in 45 degree weather, and I still can't sell a bum a smoke. Got to give. I guess the only real question that can honestly be asked these days is "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!"
I was always last to hear about this band or that band, And I was always the guy standing in back at the show. And I'll tell ya. I always really envied you city kids. All that ingenuity and passion. I should just be thankful that I was exposed.
I can shit on the rug with the best of them and create all kinds of squalor, but writing a song and rallying the troops has always been beyond me. I just can't write what I would like to ever anymore. People like brien just have it. I tried once when my life fell apart, but I just can't stick with it.
I just drink. And I sit around with all kinds of ambition screaming at me, But I was never one of those hip kids. I was juat a dorky lil skin that liked the woods. And I am kinda glad. I just don't know what to think of my generation. Like a dog floating in zero gravity after a ball, ears flappin in the vaccuum.
And I look outside and there is gravel in potholes, whores in skirts in 45 degree weather, and I still can't sell a bum a smoke. Got to give. I guess the only real question that can honestly be asked these days is "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!"
thats waht i have been asking my self for a long time man.....look im not a big hip guy ether all u can do if just be your self fuck trying hard to make other people happy.do the things u like to do there are people out there that are into all sorts of thing and u just need to find people that are into the same thing u are....or somthing like that. shit as long as someone acsepts u for who u r thats all that matter and if they cant then fuckem NEXT. i used to try and be cool in high school hanging with the hard core rocker dudes and i was a geek i finly found out i just need to be my self and keep it real yo. no more pretending, this place doues blow i know looking around town it seems like a wast of humanaty.....but u just have to rise up above that and know that your not like them. by the way thanks for the offer on helping me on my car,me and my bro are going to look at it when ever he wakes up....if u want to hang out here is my cell # 707 342-0761 i think around 2 pm would be cool or some shit.