It's amazing how the little things in my life count for so much. This morning I went sloping into the museum at 9:00am-- fairly hung over from the night before. I get into the Dinosaur hall and there are a bunch of lights and cameras set up. I get into the fossil bank, where I'm informed that a documentary is being filmed. Groovy. They make me fill out a release form saying that it's ok to use my likeness. Turns out they booted me from the scene 'cause I don't look like a paleo student. Fuckers. So I end up in the paleo lab down below the museum, just BS'n with one of the preperators and another grad student. (She was hung over too!) It turned out to be a really great time. We talked about all sorts of things...politics, drinking, the latest paleo publishings and all the while surrounded by the coolest fossils ever. There are some really cool interpretations being published about T-rex. We're talking about current theories being completely sunk by this new info. I'd say more about it but it's a secret 'till it gets published. That's how cool this stuff is. I'm happy.
Dino geeks: keep an eye out in the next few months for new stuff being published in Nature.

I'm so titilated to hear an adult (sorry i know it's such an ugly word) speak of dinos. It's been too long. I'm filled with memories of staring at bones pehaps that's where the obsession rooted itself in my brain. Any way since i'll be concert bound all day tomorrow i'm just wishing everyone a happy day of love. May it be filled with hot blooded encounters, dancing candlelight, and naked. plenty of naked.