watch, listen, and subscribe!

Trying to get my music stuff started again. I did it full-time for a few years, but the wife did not approve because we were poor. Don't have to worry about that anymore lol.

And hey, I'm on team followback, so if you have a YouTube page, link it up and I'll subscribe!

I've been listening to "Run to You" by Lacey Sturm on repeat for long stretches over the past few days. It is a gorgeous, brutally honest song about a conflicted, confusing end to a relationship that may or may not really ever end.

This exercise in emotional sadism is to see if I can make myself care about being recently separated or find some regret...
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I'm supposed to have an active blog. This is active now.

I haven't really used this site in full since the age of myspace, so I'm gonna freeform stream of consciousness type as if no one here knows me, because that's basically true.

I don't have any body modifications and never plan to get any. I'm a rock musician and service industry alum, so I...
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