daughter is not moving to florida...i think it is a big mistake....but she is 20.....im not sure what to do now.....my ex's daughter did however move down here.....this is.....well its going to put our chances of staying together to the test......its funny we moved down here to live our lives.....but somehow our kids are always there.....i know when it comes down to it we each will pick our kids....we just cant get along all together.....and the girls cant make it on their own...so we as parents do what we have to....sacrifice our happiness for our kids....im still scared for my daughter.....and i know when or if something happens i will have to deal with it.......i just dont know what ill do.....well enough unhappiness for one day.....peace
More Blogs
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
its been a tough week 12 hr days ....day off thursday...i do have to … -
Saturday Mar 04, 2006
havent updated in awhile been very busy...with our mgr leaving(for an… -
Tuesday Feb 28, 2006
if everything goes well i could be in florida within 2 months -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
life is well...i sometimes get on here and complain about this or tha… -
Sunday Feb 26, 2006
ive been told that i dont look or act like im 50....but im starting t… -
Sunday Feb 26, 2006
zzzzz.....lazy day -
Friday Feb 24, 2006
i have an oppurtunity to transfer to sarasota florida,a change i welc… -
Thursday Feb 23, 2006
after the news of no raise...no bonus...i went in today and asked for… -
Wednesday Feb 22, 2006
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Monday Feb 20, 2006
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Try and have a good weekend.
I'll be down in Sarasota next week. There's some medieval festival going on there, and I'll be working at my brother's toy sword and shield booth for two weekends. It should be fun.