i have an oppurtunity to transfer to sarasota florida,a change i welcome...i called my daughter(she staying with her mother for awhile) to tell her the news....she started crying.....i was devastated...i havent did alot things right in my life...except for her.shes everything to me....even though shes 19...i cant seem to let go...shes all i have....so now im in limbo......i would love for her to go with me....but she doesnt want to....nor does she want me to leave.....ive always wanted to look back on my life and say i went everywhere i wanted and did the things i wanted...i guess what im saying is like the song says "live like your dying"...this year i jumped out of an airplane......then after talking to my daughter i realize my legacy is not so much the life i live ... but its in your children...and in that im blessed......i will figure something out....peace
thanks so much for your reply in my journal- it made me laugh

Good luck with your choice. I'm sure whatever you do will be the right move.