Mmm coconut almond fudge ice cream is amazingly good...
I think I can actually hear myself getting fatter...
Any of you out there huge ice cream fans like me?
I always have 2 or 3 kinds in the freezer.
What is your favorite?
I love Ben and Jerry Concession Obsession and good old mint chip. mmmm
I think I can actually hear myself getting fatter...
Any of you out there huge ice cream fans like me?
I always have 2 or 3 kinds in the freezer.
What is your favorite?
I love Ben and Jerry Concession Obsession and good old mint chip. mmmm
i cant get enough of it
damnit now i need to go get some
So tell me, what does getting fatter sound like? Maybe like that creaking sound balloons make when you put too much helium in them?