As much as I hate waking up for a job every day, I hate waking up and not having one even worse.
The hours are great when you are unemployed, but the wages really suck.
I also don't think I want to post an SB set anymore, not that it was in real high demand anyways, but I have some reasons why not that I don't feel like getting into. So for the whopping two people I know of who might be remotely let down by that, sorry.
The hours are great when you are unemployed, but the wages really suck.

I also don't think I want to post an SB set anymore, not that it was in real high demand anyways, but I have some reasons why not that I don't feel like getting into. So for the whopping two people I know of who might be remotely let down by that, sorry.
Agreed, with everything. 

Hola GoatMeister ^_^ How you doing? A very nice picture of you 2 love birds! I already started a pre-birthday bash at Paulie O's PlayHouse too bad ya don't live closer! Well i'm gonna open another Heiney! Woo Hoo! Ciao For Now Jayson ^_^ Paulie O .....p.s. what was your post all about? Contact me using the regular method.