My mother is a dumb cunt today...she's done nothing but piss me off all day long.
First off, Sunday is for sleeping in... just because you are used to waking up at 5am or whatever the fuck, doesn't mean I want to be woken up too. Unless the mother fucking house is burning down don't bother me on the weekend before at least 9 or 10am... and even if it is...just crack my window open or something, I"ll be fine.
Later she couldn't fix a blown fuse today, even though I have the damn things all marked with everything of importance that runs off them....even with this knowledge, when the kitchen fuse blew today, she turned off the one that runs my room (MARKED JASON'S ROOM), which if I wasn't in the middle of a 3 hour download on mother fucking dial up at the time wouldn't be a big deal to have my PC turned off. I had to actually go point at the one marked KITCHEN and fucking change the fuse myself. Apparently my father did everything in this house while he was alive.
Later on when my sister called I said I wanted to talk to my sister when she was done.... she blabbed forever while I waited for my turn to talk to my sister and nephew, by the time she shut the hell up my sister had to go, so I didn't get to talk to them.
Then the real kicker tonight is when I said I wanted to record the Simpsons 300th and the Married w/Children Special. I should know better than to trust her with such a task. I did try to record a bit and then make sure it worked properly, since she claims our VCR never works right, but she was all pissy and told me not to "mess it up" because she had it "set up". It amazes me that it can work fine while I work it, but as soon as she gets ahold of a remote she has our whole system fucked up and blaring static. So yeah, I have no idea what she did tonight, but there is no Simpsons on that tape anywhere and no Married with Children. I don't see how hard it is to put a tape in, push record and, put a fucking remote control down and not touch it while you record a show...
Also don't act so surprised that I spend so much time locked in my room doing "God knows what."
I could be shooting up herion or trying to make counterfit bills, but insted I talk online to people and watch cartoons on don't complain about me not being as social as I used to be.
I realize I don't have to live here and she doesn't have to let me live here....but fuck!
I do love my mom, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it's really hard to be around her.
The summer won't come fast enough....
First off, Sunday is for sleeping in... just because you are used to waking up at 5am or whatever the fuck, doesn't mean I want to be woken up too. Unless the mother fucking house is burning down don't bother me on the weekend before at least 9 or 10am... and even if it is...just crack my window open or something, I"ll be fine.
Later she couldn't fix a blown fuse today, even though I have the damn things all marked with everything of importance that runs off them....even with this knowledge, when the kitchen fuse blew today, she turned off the one that runs my room (MARKED JASON'S ROOM), which if I wasn't in the middle of a 3 hour download on mother fucking dial up at the time wouldn't be a big deal to have my PC turned off. I had to actually go point at the one marked KITCHEN and fucking change the fuse myself. Apparently my father did everything in this house while he was alive.
Later on when my sister called I said I wanted to talk to my sister when she was done.... she blabbed forever while I waited for my turn to talk to my sister and nephew, by the time she shut the hell up my sister had to go, so I didn't get to talk to them.
Then the real kicker tonight is when I said I wanted to record the Simpsons 300th and the Married w/Children Special. I should know better than to trust her with such a task. I did try to record a bit and then make sure it worked properly, since she claims our VCR never works right, but she was all pissy and told me not to "mess it up" because she had it "set up". It amazes me that it can work fine while I work it, but as soon as she gets ahold of a remote she has our whole system fucked up and blaring static. So yeah, I have no idea what she did tonight, but there is no Simpsons on that tape anywhere and no Married with Children. I don't see how hard it is to put a tape in, push record and, put a fucking remote control down and not touch it while you record a show...
Also don't act so surprised that I spend so much time locked in my room doing "God knows what."
I could be shooting up herion or trying to make counterfit bills, but insted I talk online to people and watch cartoons on don't complain about me not being as social as I used to be.
I realize I don't have to live here and she doesn't have to let me live here....but fuck!
I do love my mom, don't get me wrong, but sometimes it's really hard to be around her.
The summer won't come fast enough....
Really, I remember those days with the 'rents. I feel for ya; we probably had similar situations. I was never as social as I used to be, and am still not. Summer's right around the corner.