Wow, I am very impressed with Tuesday, just when I thought no day of the week could beat out Monday, let alone comes along and shows me how it's done.
I woke up to what seemed like a possible nice day...not too cold, no snow or anything bad.
About an hour into work it started snowing, nice innocent snow...the fluffy pretty kind.
By the time I left at the end of the day (which for work wasn't too bad for once) my car was buried and the wind was blowing so hard that it was almost a total white out.
It took me about 40 mins to get home, which is a fifteen minute drive.
Between the roads being slick, not being able to see, and having the wind blow the fuck out of my car....I thought that's as bad as it could get.
So yeah I was wrong, I was getting pretty close to town and I see cop cars and firetrucks all great, big accident on the highway and they aren't letting ppl I got to take the backroads home.
For those who've never been on midwest backroads....there is a reason that nobody goes on them, especially in bad weather. =P
Well, I managed to survive the gravel road snowdrift gauntlet of doom....made it to town.
Pulling down our lane I see a big ass fucking tree in the middle of yippe fucking skippy, guess who got to give himself a fucking hernia dragging that big mofo off the street.....
Anyways, I'm home at least....waiting to see how long before the power goes down or something...I mean what good is a shit cake with frosting without some pretty candles on top!
Ah well, I'm at least laughing about it now....can't wait for Wednesday either.
I woke up to what seemed like a possible nice day...not too cold, no snow or anything bad.
About an hour into work it started snowing, nice innocent snow...the fluffy pretty kind.
By the time I left at the end of the day (which for work wasn't too bad for once) my car was buried and the wind was blowing so hard that it was almost a total white out.
It took me about 40 mins to get home, which is a fifteen minute drive.

Between the roads being slick, not being able to see, and having the wind blow the fuck out of my car....I thought that's as bad as it could get.
So yeah I was wrong, I was getting pretty close to town and I see cop cars and firetrucks all great, big accident on the highway and they aren't letting ppl I got to take the backroads home.
For those who've never been on midwest backroads....there is a reason that nobody goes on them, especially in bad weather. =P
Well, I managed to survive the gravel road snowdrift gauntlet of doom....made it to town.
Pulling down our lane I see a big ass fucking tree in the middle of yippe fucking skippy, guess who got to give himself a fucking hernia dragging that big mofo off the street.....

Anyways, I'm home at least....waiting to see how long before the power goes down or something...I mean what good is a shit cake with frosting without some pretty candles on top!

Ah well, I'm at least laughing about it now....can't wait for Wednesday either.

I'm glad you started that wrestling fan group. I need to keep up on wrestling news.