Ugh, work was such a bitch today.
We cleaned out a lumber rack that hasn't been touched in my lifetime and then some... so I think I inhaled about five pounds of dust today.
I cut up a bunch of formica today as well and got hit in the eye by a piece of it that broke off and flew up in my face...
It really fucking hurt!
We ended up working late today too, so I was in a hurry to finish up and leave and in the span of the last 5 minutes managed to drop a saw blade, denting the floor, and cutting a tape measure in half bc i was too lazy to turn the saw off while adjusting the fence.
Oh well... I suppose all in all it went well for a Monday.
We cleaned out a lumber rack that hasn't been touched in my lifetime and then some... so I think I inhaled about five pounds of dust today.
I cut up a bunch of formica today as well and got hit in the eye by a piece of it that broke off and flew up in my face...

We ended up working late today too, so I was in a hurry to finish up and leave and in the span of the last 5 minutes managed to drop a saw blade, denting the floor, and cutting a tape measure in half bc i was too lazy to turn the saw off while adjusting the fence.
Oh well... I suppose all in all it went well for a Monday.
Monday can SUCK IT!!!
You're welcome, I guess.