My mom is baking cookies in the oven and the smell makes me want to .
They are really good, don't get me wrong, but I'm so burnt out on them from all the years and years of having them all the time. I swear my mom could run circles around June Cleaver, she bakes all the damn time.
I think on average I eat about 2 or 3 out of a couple dozen, it's pretty pathetic I know.
So yeah, if any of you ever want any home baked cookies I could probably sucker her into sending you some, so at least somebody enjoys them.
They are really good, don't get me wrong, but I'm so burnt out on them from all the years and years of having them all the time. I swear my mom could run circles around June Cleaver, she bakes all the damn time.
I think on average I eat about 2 or 3 out of a couple dozen, it's pretty pathetic I know.
So yeah, if any of you ever want any home baked cookies I could probably sucker her into sending you some, so at least somebody enjoys them.
xo sarah