I think I finally got my taxes straightened out and still came out with a refund.
It's only about half of what I was thinking I was getting, but it's better than nothing or less than nothing as the case sometimes can be.
Same old shit different day otherwise.
I need to set up another Bmore game night in April though. I will post the potential date later, stay tuned!
It's only about half of what I was thinking I was getting, but it's better than nothing or less than nothing as the case sometimes can be.
Same old shit different day otherwise.
I need to set up another Bmore game night in April though. I will post the potential date later, stay tuned!
i had to pay...
it sucked!!! so be happy that you are getting a refund!

taxes? geez you wait till the last min... i had mine filed and had my refund by the middle of february lol... i thought only the people who had to pay a lot waited till april to do their taxes