I am officially the horniest man on the planet! Oh my god, it is tiring. I spend all my time hiding erections, masturbating, casually fondling, and trying to stop thinking about it. I know it is likely to pass if I ignore it long enough, or at least it'll relax a bit and stop being so intense. I just need to remember to breath...
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I must be the horniest woman in the world. And what's worse is, I don't masturbate!

Man! I was just checking out Bebe's new set, it kind of made me sad. I thought it an homage to the splendor of meat, but its was just an attempt at the macabre it seems. She's a vegetarian, she even blogged saying touching the meat made her gag!
I just don't know, I had been wanting someone to post a set like that for...
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I just don't know, I had been wanting someone to post a set like that for...
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Steak eating.. sure!
But you won't catch me drinking beer
or hunting the animal. I could never hunt.
But you won't catch me drinking beer

Good enough

So, I recently contacted Tez Suicide, base on a vibe I got from her candids/profile that she was super cool. This was a couple days ago now and I feel confidant in saying, I was totally right. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite people. She's spunky, I dig that. Plus she says things like "arvo" and "ckeeky" and calls soccer "football"! ADORABLE! So...
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Soccer IS soccer??? Then what is football? Do you guys play American style football? Ok, well you DO say doova instead of duvet, which is cute, so there! 

Soccer is Soccer
AFL is well.. AFL..
Football is league or union
We don't have American style football.. if we did, it'd be straight out Grid Iron.
DOONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'm drunk and snuggled up under my doona now!!!
So ner
AFL is well.. AFL..
Football is league or union
We don't have American style football.. if we did, it'd be straight out Grid Iron.
DOONAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'm drunk and snuggled up under my doona now!!!
So ner

I am so profoundly unhappy.
Update your blog, fool.
I'm with Ember.. update already 

It snowed, but oh well
So it seems I have an ascending testicle. You've heard of undescended testicles? Well, mine descended and now seems to be going back up. Maybe it came out, saw its shadow and is now going back because its gonna be a long winter. Actually its sort of just hanging there mid-way in a sort of testicular limbo. I'm not sure if I should be worried...
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Dude, that's hilarious, you rule so hard!
So, I've recently (in my extrodinary boredom) started talking to more SG's, something I'd avoided due to not wanting to be a pest. I've sent a couple messaged here or there, usually little stuff like "if you like that movie you might like this other movie". Maybe a few "You're beautiful"s when I've been drunk and forgot that I really don't want to be one...
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Can't, I moved back to CA already.
I just sneezed on my arm.
I just became aware that without knowing it I chose all SG's with REAL eyebrows for my top 5, I rock! Death to the painted on eyebrow!!!
the painted eyebrow is a hideous mistake to sport.
the painted eyebrow is a hideous mistake to sport.
lol i have NEVER painted my eyebrows...i agree! Death to the painted on eyebrow!!!!
Interesting factiod, wording certain things a certain way makes a major difference on how I view them I've found. For instance if I see some green tea soap and in it's description it says "Vegan" I stop reading, however if another bar says "Pure Vegitable Soap" I might just buy it. Hmmm, it seems that wording is very important to me.

I don't know how I feel about my little 48 dollar expenditure, the site is somewhat bittersweet for me. I enjoy looking at beautiful women as much as the next person, but the more I look, the less it seems to mean. I mean, external beauty is virtually meaningless and is ever fleeting. Another thing that bothers me about this site is looking through these...
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Words I love:
Essence, quintessence, quintessential, awe, salacious, licentious, lascivious, fuck, consecrate, consecration, inferno, undulated, writhe, inebriated, quivering, heaving... I'm drunk and this is harder than I though, so i will stop. Woohoo!
Essence, quintessence, quintessential, awe, salacious, licentious, lascivious, fuck, consecrate, consecration, inferno, undulated, writhe, inebriated, quivering, heaving... I'm drunk and this is harder than I though, so i will stop. Woohoo!

I agree with Cambria. I recieved my response right away, so I can't complain. I know the impatient feeling though. 

She's adorable, I don't think there's any possible way she couldn't get accepted.
InuYasha second season coming out in a boxset???? HOLY CRAP I AM SO THERE.
InuYasha second season coming out in a boxset???? HOLY CRAP I AM SO THERE.
Man, I found this little thing I wrote a long time ago and thought it was funny, enjoy!
I bang blue! I bang red! If you are tough you gotta be bangin' sumfin. I think gangs that claim blue and red are just too weak, too cowardly, too unmanly to bang fuchsia. Real men bang fuchsia, real men HAVE to. I for instance am...
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I bang blue! I bang red! If you are tough you gotta be bangin' sumfin. I think gangs that claim blue and red are just too weak, too cowardly, too unmanly to bang fuchsia. Real men bang fuchsia, real men HAVE to. I for instance am...
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