Summertime Q&A
Thank you for nominating me @kungfury
Here we go!!!
1.Any travel, vacation or Holliday plans for summer.
My travel plans are always in my mind, unfortunately the weather here in the UK is not very summary at the moment, this however doesn't stop me from making plans for my next vacation. As I travel in my campervan a lot I've been away several times this year already, I intend to stay on the road for as long as possible visiting as much of the UK as possible.
2.Any summer traditions you or your family have.
I don't have any traditions apart from getting out of the road all summer....
3.With the hot summer we are experiencing. Do you have a favourite place to go swimming? Lake, Waterfall, Creek, River or Beach
Ok so as much as I love the hot sunshine 🌞 UK weather is not very reliable but that being said I like to go to naturists beaches when I can. Bet I do enjoy small rivers or anywhere you can cool down when it's warm.
4.Are you having a normal, hot, heatwave, or extremely hot summer in your state in the US, Canada, Mexico and other countries, tell us were your from.
UK summer not good at the moment we've had a few days but not enough...
5.I think tan lines are sexy. Girls and Members your opinion.
Tan lines do look nice there are some amazing photos on SG. I do like to see an allover tan as well.
6.Did you enjoy Camp Suicide Girl? And what Camp Group were you in?
I did indeed love it wish it could have been longer.
7.Favourite summer activities, and write down five things
I love wild camping with a few friends, sitting round a campfire in the evenings it's great 👍
8.What's your favourite fresh vegetables from a summer garden? Name 3 Vegetables
Squash, sweetcorn, peppers.
9.What's some mixed drinks you like in the summertime. Or maybe you like beer or wine
I don't drink alcohol, but I do enjoy soda-water, beetroot juice, cranberry juice and I always make up a green smoothie for breakfast...
10. It's summertime and hot outside and your favourite things to drink. Name 3 favourites
Ok so I really love coconut water, smoothies, sodawater with ice and lemon 🍋😋
Ok so I'd like to nominate
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