A couple of days ago I started hand-feeding a peregrine falcone, whose name is Diane. I'm also feeding an american kestrel, whose name is Gus. YAYYAYYAY! I love working with these birds. Diane eats right off my glove, it's gorgeous but a bit gross ate the same time (they eat chicks - dead ones, but whole - and sometimes I get splattered with chickness.)
I start my summer class, biochemistry, on Monday. You know this is just going to make my summer.
And thanks to everyone for replying and finding me! I really didn't expect it at all! I'm flattered.
So what's up with the whole "testemonials" link, and all the others at the top of my page?
I start my summer class, biochemistry, on Monday. You know this is just going to make my summer.
And thanks to everyone for replying and finding me! I really didn't expect it at all! I'm flattered.
So what's up with the whole "testemonials" link, and all the others at the top of my page?
anyway, I need to look at more naked people.
anyway, I need to look at more naked people.