i find it both amusing and somewhat disconcerting, the interest my kitten has in what goes on in the toilet when i sit down. he'll poke his nose into the crack between the seat and the bowl and stare intently at whatever action is taking place. when i stand up and flush, he'll get up on his hind legs and peer into the swirling water like he's never seen anything like it before, when in fact he does this every time.
welcome to my life. i haven't even started talking about the dog yet.
ps ~ i've noticed that lately when i've been added to people's buddy lists i tend to become the first name. rockin'. it means i rule and all the resta y'all suck.
welcome to my life. i haven't even started talking about the dog yet.
ps ~ i've noticed that lately when i've been added to people's buddy lists i tend to become the first name. rockin'. it means i rule and all the resta y'all suck.
hahaha... your user pic makes me smile. =)
your cat my need therapy