Well, I finally got my camera.
I had to get yet another credit card to finance it, but oh well. I can't wait until I have time to myself to really learn how to use it.
Work isn't going all that well. One of my co-workers just walked out yesterday. He was tired of putting up with my annoying manager. He had already put in his notice anyway, but I guess he couldn't wait that long. Now things are a tad uncomfortable with the rest of the staff plus we are shorthanded. We have only 4 people when we should have 6. It makes for some long, lonely days.
Oh, yeah. I am going to see Serenity today. I can't wait! Then I have some family in town so I will probably go over there and drink and play poker. It's always a little weird drinking and gambling with my mom.

Work isn't going all that well. One of my co-workers just walked out yesterday. He was tired of putting up with my annoying manager. He had already put in his notice anyway, but I guess he couldn't wait that long. Now things are a tad uncomfortable with the rest of the staff plus we are shorthanded. We have only 4 people when we should have 6. It makes for some long, lonely days.
Oh, yeah. I am going to see Serenity today. I can't wait! Then I have some family in town so I will probably go over there and drink and play poker. It's always a little weird drinking and gambling with my mom.
Glad to hear that you finally got a new camera. I'd love to get a new one, but the one I want is more than I can afford. So, what kind did you end up getting?
Geez, sorry to hear about your work situation. It just never seems to get better, does it? So far, I'm really happy at my new job.
Well it was good to hear from you. Hope you have fun drinking and gambling.