I know this is no huge revelation, but work sucks. I should have been rich and famous. Fuck this earning a living shit!! Customer service BLOWS!!!! Sorry, just had to get that out.
I just feel like I am better than this. Not in a self righteous kinda way, more like a self respecting way. I realize that someone has to be there to serve us our morning latte or make that big mac we like to have for lunch because, God forbid, we make our own damn coffee or lay off the lard on a bun, but no one deserves to be treated like shit because they are defenseless at work.
It's just not fair that the normal and intelligent people of the world must take medication to cope with all the dumb fucking assholes that waste space on this planet. AAAHHHH I am just so frustrated!!!
I just feel like I am better than this. Not in a self righteous kinda way, more like a self respecting way. I realize that someone has to be there to serve us our morning latte or make that big mac we like to have for lunch because, God forbid, we make our own damn coffee or lay off the lard on a bun, but no one deserves to be treated like shit because they are defenseless at work.
It's just not fair that the normal and intelligent people of the world must take medication to cope with all the dumb fucking assholes that waste space on this planet. AAAHHHH I am just so frustrated!!!