It is too fucking early to be awake!
I've been up since 2:30. Luckily I'm off today, but I do have to go in for a day ruining meeting in about 3 hours where I get to hear about all the things I'm doing wrong or just not well enough. My boss better buy breakfast at least. There aren't even any crappy movies on that I want to watch and I'm not tired enough for infomercials. There is this painter guy they show on channel 2 in the afternoon that I used to always watch whenever I wanted to take a nap. They really should play it at three in the morning when I have trouble sleeping. It would knock me right out. It's amazing the things you think about when you're laying in bed not able to sleep. For a little while when I was still a little delirious, I was convinced that God was punishing me for something that I did yesterday (I can't remember what now.) I'm not Christian, but people I work with where having religious debates yesterday so apparently it put the fear of God in me, I don't know. I've been having really weird dreams lately. I dream about completely mundane things, so when I wake up, I think it was real 'cuz why the hell would I dream about that. I've been doing things wrong at work because I thought we changed the procedure, but really it was a dream. The other night, I dreamt that I was laying in bed having a nightmare so I woke my dream self up and actually thought I was really awake. I seriously can't remember what is a dream and what is real. I'm starting to act like a psycho because I keep saying things and people look at me with that 'what the hell are you talking about' expression. I am getting very sleepy. Maybe I should try to go back to bed

But, from a cool standpoint, you might turn out like Tyler Durden. He was kind of a superhero. Kind of.
I hope you feel better.
And I think that your alias totally rocks!