Geez, I'm really bad at keeping this thing updated. I don't even have a job right now so you would think I would be on all the time, but nope. Having no job seems to make me even more lazy. Its funny how, when you have all the time in the world, you always think to yourself, "oh, I can do it later." So I went back to school since I sorta dropped out of school in the first year. I figured I should do something productive and mind enriching so I can justify not running back out to get a new job I will inevitably hate. Yeah, the good old hometown bank I worked at for almost 5 years kicked me to the curb after I sorta threatend to beat the ass of one of my coworkers. I tried to quit first, but my boss beged me to come in for my shift to help her out so I did, and then she fired me the next day. Super fun. At least I got an A in my first class so that's kinda motivating me to take more classes. Life is actually going pretty well at the moment. There were a few hiccups with my boy, but thongs are running smoothly now, so I'm pretty happy.