It’s a tough one, I’ve had some birthdays great and not-so-great. Birthdays are a great reminder of how loved you are by the people in your life.
I know it’s cheating, but I’m gonna tell you about my TWO favourite birthdays 😉
Let’s start with the birthday party I had when I turned 5. It. Was. RAD!
It was completely Pocahontas themed, all my friends and cousins dressed up as characters from the film and stuck to the theme.
I felt like a little badass in the hand-sewn Pocahontas dress from my mother, she thought out every possible detail because she knew how much I adored and looked up to Pocahontas and I’ve never forgotten what she did for me.
My other favourite birthday was when I was at university and shared a house above a kebab shop with 5 lads I studied with.
They strategically got me out the house by having some girls from our course take me out for cocktails while my housemates prepared a surprise!
When I eventually got to the front door, balloons erupted everywhere and it was then that I realised how many friends I had in this world.
From homemade chocolate cake to my favourite memes printed and stuck around the walls, people I liked, music I liked, I was truly happy.
My housemates knew I’d been experiencing bad depression for a few months and went above and beyond to make me feel special on my birthday.
Thanks for reading, I’m looking forward to hearing about everyone else’s birthday stories!
Gnomi x
@rambo @missy