I broke my glass coffee table yesterday, glass everywhere in my room in the carpet and I can't find vacuum cleaner bags at the grocery store. Trying to find a new roommate (pain the patooty) and then I dropped my phone in the toilet so I must now try to find a ride to the mall so I can get a new one cause this one is refusing to dry out and was also broken to begiin with. ugggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Things got a little better last night when I went to the asylum for karaoke(my first time at the asylum). Some dude that looked like God was playing an inflatable guitar which he then threw into the "crowd". I caught it and when I gave it back he looked at me and licked up the neck of his inflatable shred stick. I also started a blog, my original goal was to do a website where I would give reviews of pizza places that i go to at home and in my travels but since I do not know anything about web design I have decided that I can do the blogspot thing and blog about it. blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. REST IN PIZZAS
damn, that does not sound like a good day... hope today goes a lil smoother