Its been such a long time since I have written anything that it is apt to continue where I stopped nearly 9 months ago. Although life is often uncomfortable I find it utterly amazing. It always takes a bit of perspective gainedby looking back - back at the trail you followed to get where you are now. The last blog I wrote was titled New Beginnings. It was a brief note with a picture of my new puppy when I fetched him at the airport. Tomorrow Thomas turns one. He has grown into an amazing dog and has meant so much to me in the last 9 months. So although the title of the blog referred to his new beginnings far away from his (then) home and family I now look back and realise it was also new beginnings for myself. Perhaps that is why I have not written as the days became weeks became months; the one tumbling into and sometimes over the next. And as my little puppy grew into a young adult so did part of me too, a part of me that I like, a part of me that is comfortable in the world.