I eventually fetched my dog from the vet again today. After being in and out since Friday. Spent several nights there. Had an MRI this morning. At least he is back again and kind of perky. When things go wrong with me I get upset, sometimes angry, sometimes depressed, sometimes demotivated. But it is me. I can kind of handle it. Not so easy when things go wrong with others around me. I have had to learn the hard way that we can seldom help others really. Shoulder to cry on, hugs, a bit of perspective, on occasion some money, going with them somewhere for support. Fundamentally their problems are their own to sort out and ever so often we can only stand by and watch, watch and see their pain.
By the time I get to animals it is five times worse. They seem to be victims in a way they have no choice or say. They cannot talk about it, tell you how much it hurts. They sort of live with their pain and put on brave little faces, still trying to play and look excited when you come home.
Life is sad.