I hate it when people pretend they're all sophisticated and everything because they're "beyond racism" and "beyond sexism" (even though they still make the occasional blatantly racist or sexist statement), but OH LAWDY, IF YOU HAVE TATTOOS YOUZ DA DEVIL!
Especially when this person themselves has a full sleeve.
"You shouldn't make choices without being able to accept the consequences." What makes you so fucking special then?
Note: I never once blamed my having these tattoos on anybody else. I know I chose to get these. And I knew I would have some difficulty getting a job. I understand that. Tattoos are the least of the reason as to why I always have a difficult time getting a job. But the reason is still there. And you would think that it being almost 2012 and all... where we have sex robots and everything... that people would be past that fucked mindframe. But then again, people still listen to Harold Camping.
Especially when this person themselves has a full sleeve.
"You shouldn't make choices without being able to accept the consequences." What makes you so fucking special then?
Note: I never once blamed my having these tattoos on anybody else. I know I chose to get these. And I knew I would have some difficulty getting a job. I understand that. Tattoos are the least of the reason as to why I always have a difficult time getting a job. But the reason is still there. And you would think that it being almost 2012 and all... where we have sex robots and everything... that people would be past that fucked mindframe. But then again, people still listen to Harold Camping.
i never said i wasn't racist or sexist you silly man 

really though learn how to cook and work at a restaurant or learn to cut hair or bartend. They dont judge!