FYI this is not Gary so no worries he has not gone insane and started speaking of himself in the 3rd person. I'm the random chick who I'm sure most of you have heard many many things about over the past couple months. I guess I'm first of all incredibly bored so I'm going to use this as an opportunity to voice my feelings to noone in particular... I fucking love this boy. Yes, he is a humongous (spelling? lol) dork, he is incredibly naive, I'm way older than him and sometimes he says things that make me cringe and think "really? does he think that or is he fucking with me?", sometimes I question his sexuality (lol jk), his feet smell, he sings terrible r & b songs when I'm pissed off and I want to punch him, it's possible he has tourette's, he chews with his mouth open, he doesn't like sushi.... but he's also the sweetest most genuine boy I've ever known, he can make me smile when my world is collapsing, he can make me feel beautiful when I have a giant zit, he makes me feel like I'm a genius even after I ask the same retarded question 50 times in a row... I don't know what the future has in store for us but I'm very confident in saying that I'd be a very sad girl if I had to go a day without even talking to my Grrr.... <3 u dork! mwahahaha yeah that's as sweet as I'll ever get so don't fucking get used to it!

Thats somethin' special alright. >.>