I just read a woman's blog bitching about men being evil creatures. And then I read the comments, and they're all mostly from females, agreeing that men are evil creatures...
You go and complain about racism, sexism, and all that shit, and yet, here you are, being sexist like a motherfucker.
I know I'm not the only one that notices this shit.
I'm an equal opportunist. I love everybody unless they give me a reason to dislike them. Now I must agree, stereotypes exist for a reason, but you can't generalize TOO much. Like you can say, "most men from the south (USA south) are chauvinist pigs" and that's okay. But when you go as far as saying "Most men are chauvinistic pigs" that's talking about every man on the planet.
You women are dirty liars, whores, cheaters, and thieves, just as much as men, in fact, even worse. You have the government on your side.
I'm sick of women saying "we have no rights." Bitch shut the fuck up and get your head on straight. Look at the world around you. Even if a man is assaulted by his spouse, the man goes to jail because domestic violence cases are ALWAYS looked at as the man being guilty. Talk about fucking unfair. Another great example, which I hate to use because it's about me, but it's perfect, is that my ex kicked me out of her parents house. I was our only source of income (other than her parents of course), she had no job. We had kids together. I didn't cheat on her, I didn't hurt her or anything, she just kicked me out because I suppose she grew tired of me. She doesn't have a job still. I have a job. I am clearly in a better situation to take care of my kids, but because she's the mother she gets 100% rights, I get zero rights. I have to pay out the ass for child support. That's my kids' only source of income, is ME. When they get older, who's paying for their presents and gifts? For their clothes? ME! And who is going take all the credit? HER. Who's looked at as the bad guy? ME.
Yea fuck off all you egotistical bitches. There's bad people of every group. Quit generalizing everything, it makes you look like a feminist cunt.
You go and complain about racism, sexism, and all that shit, and yet, here you are, being sexist like a motherfucker.
I know I'm not the only one that notices this shit.
I'm an equal opportunist. I love everybody unless they give me a reason to dislike them. Now I must agree, stereotypes exist for a reason, but you can't generalize TOO much. Like you can say, "most men from the south (USA south) are chauvinist pigs" and that's okay. But when you go as far as saying "Most men are chauvinistic pigs" that's talking about every man on the planet.
You women are dirty liars, whores, cheaters, and thieves, just as much as men, in fact, even worse. You have the government on your side.
I'm sick of women saying "we have no rights." Bitch shut the fuck up and get your head on straight. Look at the world around you. Even if a man is assaulted by his spouse, the man goes to jail because domestic violence cases are ALWAYS looked at as the man being guilty. Talk about fucking unfair. Another great example, which I hate to use because it's about me, but it's perfect, is that my ex kicked me out of her parents house. I was our only source of income (other than her parents of course), she had no job. We had kids together. I didn't cheat on her, I didn't hurt her or anything, she just kicked me out because I suppose she grew tired of me. She doesn't have a job still. I have a job. I am clearly in a better situation to take care of my kids, but because she's the mother she gets 100% rights, I get zero rights. I have to pay out the ass for child support. That's my kids' only source of income, is ME. When they get older, who's paying for their presents and gifts? For their clothes? ME! And who is going take all the credit? HER. Who's looked at as the bad guy? ME.
Yea fuck off all you egotistical bitches. There's bad people of every group. Quit generalizing everything, it makes you look like a feminist cunt.
And as far as your ex. Fuck her. She needs to get her head out of her ass and grow the fuck up. Those babies need more than just your money. They need time with you too. And knowing exactly what this situation feels like I have nothing but love for you. I wish there was something I could do to take all of that heart ache away but I can't. Well I am trying to though........
Oh BTW I kinda need you here for Halloween. I need my Al.