With this giant train wreck of an election looming in the near future for the US, I find the behavior of both candidates to be so incredibly disrespectful towards women. Not to get into who is worse than the other, but you have Trump's ongoing sexist treatment and comments on one side, and a history of brutal treatment of the women that Bill Clinton had...
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Age is a number, nothing else. Do push-ups until you can't push yourself off the floor, run the stairs, do the sit-ups, push the barbells. Sweat dripping off your body while you do box jumps and squats. Age is a number. Be silly, laugh at stupid shit, drink too much wine, eat candy at 11:00 pm, drink milk from the carton. Age is just a
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You can feel the heat and it wants to burn you. It is living and breathing and full of aggression. As you move toward it, pushing against it, you feel it surge and you keep moving because you can't stop or it will win. You take the next step, on your hands and knees and you pull a couple hundred pounds of hose full of
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I can't believe the beautiful ink on all of you, and I am curious how you chose the artist to give you your first one? I have a few ideas but don't know how to pick a great artist that won't make it an awful regret five years from now. Any tips are very much appreciated.
When you give 110% of yourself in the service of others, and get shit on doing it, you seriously question your purpose. But the "shitters" are unworthy of our attention and letting them get the best of you is unacceptable. Give 115% tomorrow and give the finger to those that don't understand your passion or comittment. Seize the day!
I am completely blown away by the beauty that the women on here possess. There is just about every body type and every nationality imaginable, and you are all so incredible. Funny sets, serious exotic sets, naughty sets....it is truly breathtaking to see the creativity and beauty. And you women that are photographers as well? Outstanding ability behind a camera. The lighting and use of...
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