My sixteen year old came home last night in tears, and not wanting to talk about what happened. After a little dad time, he told me that two of his friends had been told by their parents not to be friends with him anymore. The reason was that another person that he isn't friends with is jealous of his friendship with the other two, and because "my son isn't the same religion as they are, and doesn't go to their church", they should be friends with the other boy who does go to their church instead of my son. The father of the boy that isn't friends with my son also happens to be his soccer coach, and proceeded to go to a couple other parents and told them they should not have their kids hang around with my son. After my dad rage calmed down a little and we talked through it, I wondered what type of religious justification does someone have for acting that way? My son is a good kid, and he will make other friends and has other friends, and I also understand that kids can act stupid a lot and that typically they work through their social issues themselves. To have a parent go out of their way to get in the middle of messing with other children's friendships and to say some very negative things about my son has me teetering on the edge of kicking the shit out of the guy. Part of me wants to confront the asshole and tear him apart, but then part of me thinks he is incredibly pathetic, a bigot, and a total piece of crap for using his religion as an excuse to harm someone else (I know, that never happens right?)
Why bother with the guy? I have always had a bit of appreciation for an old west justice mentality, an eye for an eye, knock a guy in the mouth if they harm your family kind of thing. I have also worked very hard to be a better person than that in all facets of my life. To forgive more, love more, and care more than those that don't. In the long run, a forgiving attitude should serve me better. But man, mess with a person's kids and better hope that you do it far enough away to give me time to calm down. Not sure I am going to be able to handle the next soccer game when the asshole is walking around with his fake nice guy religious attitude. He may get a chance to talk to a less than Godly dad with a real shitty attitude. Okay, my rant is over now and you may return to your regularly scheduled appreciation of all that is beautiful on Suicide Girls.