Knowing when to keep your mouth shut, can you really put a price on that skill?
Find solutions not blame.
Trust me.. Ill be getting a gun soon enough XxX
.. I know when to shut my mouth.... confused sometimes.
Allright so this is how you use the journal. Got it now to see if I can came up with something to say.
Working 48 hours in 3 days is not so bad if you have access to SG and a shit load of coffee. Always got to make the most of what life throws at ya.
First Try
Hello! Couple of things: under "update your page" you can add a profile pic. When you add journal comments, do them under the "update your page" section otherwise they are seen as comments to your own journal. smile

Welcome to the site! Have fun.

I've never been out to the dz in Orange although I would like to head over and check it out, it was like the first wasn't it? So, did you ever get your A license?