I feel blissful today. Well tired as well, but like an inner peace is surrounding me. The work is still there, waiting. Today though I am keeping a tiny light of hope and stillness burning in my heart.
Love to everyone. kiss blush
p.s. the photos are from a couple of months ago. i just felt like sharing.
Be well. smile
I feel blissful today. Well tired as well, but like an inner peace is surrounding me. The work is still there, waiting. Today though I am keeping a tiny light of hope and stillness burning in my heart.
Love to everyone. kiss blush
p.s. the photos are from a couple of months ago. i just felt like sharing.
Be well. smile

*grin* The story a reporter wrote about our comic book studio, is out today. It's in the Oregonian, and is pretty neat, though in my few lines I sound like a dumb-ass whatever , but oh well. All of the guys look great, five of them are at their desks! The rest of us were shot standing in front of a pice of our artwork. Anyway...
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Congratulations on the article in the paper. I'll have to pick up a copy soon & take a look. Great eyes by the way.
Aw, you're so cute. I was bummed that I missed Viscerella. Will it be happening again in the near future? Any other events? There is a picture of me being a winged creature in my journal.
Yay for new projects, good friends, soft snuggly four year olds, cats who sleep on the back of your chair, tickle fights, rolled up comic book battles, British flirts, smart sexy women, laughing smiles, mushroom and olive pizza, growly voices, new online buddies kiss , and just enjoying each and every topsy-turvy alice in wonderlandful moment. *grin* I'm so in love with life right now. Warm...
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Ahhh... I absolutely LOVE this:

just enjoying each and every topsy-turvy alice in wonderlandful moment

You are sooooo great!! Thanks for the happy journal - it totally made my day!! biggrin

Winx from Jinxi wink
It's finally happening! the project a buddy and I have been putting together for the last six months is debuting this weekend. biggrin

The details are below, so if you are into art and hang around Portland ,Or. give it a shot. The eve after this event, I am heading to an all girl snuggle soiree and sleepover! :grin: Not sure which I am more excited...
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Ooh! I may just have to go to that. It sounds very interesting. I'm not too far away, either. Good luck!
Thanks for the super sweet comments - gosh, I appreciate it SO MUCH!!
You are such a wonderful person to know and I sure love your messages!!!

Have a great Thursday, darling!
Winx from Jinxi wink
The convention in Seattle was wonderful! smile Pretty much from the time the doors opened until closing I was behind the table doing watercolors. The only times I was out of the booth was when dashing madly for the ladies room. At least it was a straight shot.

Good friends made it possible to get a couple of sketches from artists I admire. I'm very lucky...
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Oh wow... the convention sounds like so much fun!!! I would LOVE to see you doing watercolors all day - how wonderful!!!!!!!!!!

Will you have any shows in the LA area this year? I would love to come and see your work!!

Hey, I just saw that you like Willy Wonka... I put a bunch of my fav WW quotes in my journal today - I looooove that film!

And.... ooooo... Twin Peaks soundtrack! How cool! I have the video set and it's so rad!!!

Happy Thursday, sweetie!
Winx from Jinxi wink
Follow the yellow brick road... we are off to Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle. If you get the urge, are hangin' in the city, and love comics come say "Hi!". I will be there with my pals at Mercury Studio. I am the sole female in that group, and will be doing watercolor sketches, so pretty easy to spot. smile
I'm excited this is the...
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Oh my gosh... you just made me smile smile and blush blush and GRIN from ear to ear biggrin

Thank you for the WONDERFUL comments - I appreciate it sooooo much!! You totally made my day!

Hope your Wednesday was wonderful!
Winx from Jinxi wink
Hey there, Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Jinxi keeps telling me that I need to come an visit your journal. Hope you are having a great week. The weekend is almost here. ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
So yeah... My mac died, in a zapping, hissing, wavy screen fit. Have been offline for a long time. Thanks to a buddy I'm on a borrowed laptop.

Hi journal! smile Been busy with the art thing, and lots more interview type stuff than usual. Usual is being a dweeb and working away, babbling on about why comics should have more of a place in our...
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Hi! I just checked out your livejournal page and it's so cool! Where did you get that Bisexuality is real logo? i want that! It's so rad!!! wink
Have a great weekend!
Winx from Jinxi miao!!
damn, condolences on your mac. how'd it go?