It's finally happening! the project a buddy and I have been putting together for the last six months is debuting this weekend.
The details are below, so if you are into art and hang around Portland ,Or. give it a shot. The eve after this event, I am heading to an all girl snuggle soiree and sleepover! :grin: Not sure which I am more excited about!
This Saturday is the launch of our first Raw Visceralia session. What you may ask, do these obscure words mean when placed together. Or maybe you couldn't give a rat's ass. Anyway...
Raw Visceralia is an experiment in illustration. Well, actually it's a multi-sensory interactive art experience. Eh, it's sort of a concept project, that is being endorsed by the Pacific Northwest College of Art. My partner in crime is Daniel Gill, an Illustrator, Figure Artist, and Illustration Teacher at P.N.C.A.
The details are P.N.C.A in Portland OR. Room 202.
12-4pm Saturday, the 19th of February 2005
Admission is $10.00, students of P.N.C.A. are free
We bring the supplies, you bring yourselves, and
a desire to try new things.
Check out the website or write me for more info!
This message is x-posted, please forgive.
The details are below, so if you are into art and hang around Portland ,Or. give it a shot. The eve after this event, I am heading to an all girl snuggle soiree and sleepover! :grin: Not sure which I am more excited about!
This Saturday is the launch of our first Raw Visceralia session. What you may ask, do these obscure words mean when placed together. Or maybe you couldn't give a rat's ass. Anyway...
Raw Visceralia is an experiment in illustration. Well, actually it's a multi-sensory interactive art experience. Eh, it's sort of a concept project, that is being endorsed by the Pacific Northwest College of Art. My partner in crime is Daniel Gill, an Illustrator, Figure Artist, and Illustration Teacher at P.N.C.A.
The details are P.N.C.A in Portland OR. Room 202.
12-4pm Saturday, the 19th of February 2005
Admission is $10.00, students of P.N.C.A. are free
We bring the supplies, you bring yourselves, and
a desire to try new things.
Check out the website or write me for more info!
This message is x-posted, please forgive.
You are such a wonderful person to know and I sure love your messages!!!
Have a great Thursday, darling!
Winx from Jinxi