Yesterday my five month old little boy rolled over, twice! I had put him on his tummy for tummy time, left the room for a sec, and asked his big sis to watch him. When I came back, he was in a different spot on the blanket, when I asked her about it she said "Oh he rolled over, but it is Tummy Time, so I put him back." After less than 30 seconds he did it again, and giggled in delight at his own cleverness.
Getting in shape after baby feels incredible! Last night weight training lower body with the lovely M. Today Kundalini yoga with my daughter by my side. I feel like I could fly!
We are taking our first ever trip to Hawaii in Sept. with the kids, on a cruise. lol. First non working (ie: comic con) vacation in 7 years.
Am reading a nifty book on design and composition and it has really shown why many of my compositions in both painting and comics do not work. I'm really grateful for that.
Everything is changing, and it feels great!
for awaking compassion and spirit....

Getting in shape after baby feels incredible! Last night weight training lower body with the lovely M. Today Kundalini yoga with my daughter by my side. I feel like I could fly!
We are taking our first ever trip to Hawaii in Sept. with the kids, on a cruise. lol. First non working (ie: comic con) vacation in 7 years.
Am reading a nifty book on design and composition and it has really shown why many of my compositions in both painting and comics do not work. I'm really grateful for that.
Everything is changing, and it feels great!

for awaking compassion and spirit....

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