Today I saw a brilliant thing
it smiled at me from afar,
it giggled and sighed in hope
at whats' to come of me.
I quietly and sheepishly
but nothing more
grinned politely back,
absently, unconsciously
contemplating my past.
Then from out of eyesight
came a quick and deliberate slap!
It was but the present demanding
i come back.
it smiled at me from afar,
it giggled and sighed in hope
at whats' to come of me.
I quietly and sheepishly
but nothing more
grinned politely back,
absently, unconsciously
contemplating my past.
Then from out of eyesight
came a quick and deliberate slap!
It was but the present demanding
i come back.
hello,you wrote ducati's as one of your vices? could you please elaborate on that? i like your poem, say hello.