Okay - my first blog has to be a fucking bitch and moan about something or it wouldn't be me!
Chistmas - all the ads on just piss me off at the minute - its over a month away and the ad breaks are filled with mindless toss that no fucker would buy on any normal day but because its the run up to crimbo all of a sudden it becomes the ideal gift that nobody wants, but you're gonna get it anyway because the mindless fuck buying it for you in the first place, doesn't know you well enough to know what you like and what you dont.
Kids and adults alike across this planet will be waking up on xmas day to a fucking Pan Pipes of the Andes cd, a baby doll that pises itself, an unbranded backpack with a built in lunch-box and whistle, or a reading torch/bookmarker for your bed-time book. I mean c'mon - isn't it time we rallied round and gathered up all the marketing and advertising people across the world who force this shit into our faces every year and burn them at the stake. I personally wanna hunt down the man who decides when to show that first Coca Cola xmas ad and stone him to a slow and brutal death! Because thats the key that opens the floodgates of shitty ad breaks over the next 6 weeks, closely followed by the even shittier ads for the january sales, where not only are they offerring the same shit you could buy during the run-up to xmas, but they're offerring it all for 60% less.....the bastards!! How these people sleep at night is beyond me - so frankly, I'd just like to send a merry xmas message to them all and say that you morally corrupt assholes are bringing down society and ruining a perfectly good time of year, when we should be enjoying the values of family and religeon by getting drunk, getting fat, and beating up our grandmothers!!! Bah Humbug bitches!!!
*By the way, my company have a seasonal range of easter-themed dildo's coming out soon at a price that can't be ignored. Buy'em now at our early bird discount rates or you'll get crucified on the normal retail value! haha!

Chistmas - all the ads on just piss me off at the minute - its over a month away and the ad breaks are filled with mindless toss that no fucker would buy on any normal day but because its the run up to crimbo all of a sudden it becomes the ideal gift that nobody wants, but you're gonna get it anyway because the mindless fuck buying it for you in the first place, doesn't know you well enough to know what you like and what you dont.
Kids and adults alike across this planet will be waking up on xmas day to a fucking Pan Pipes of the Andes cd, a baby doll that pises itself, an unbranded backpack with a built in lunch-box and whistle, or a reading torch/bookmarker for your bed-time book. I mean c'mon - isn't it time we rallied round and gathered up all the marketing and advertising people across the world who force this shit into our faces every year and burn them at the stake. I personally wanna hunt down the man who decides when to show that first Coca Cola xmas ad and stone him to a slow and brutal death! Because thats the key that opens the floodgates of shitty ad breaks over the next 6 weeks, closely followed by the even shittier ads for the january sales, where not only are they offerring the same shit you could buy during the run-up to xmas, but they're offerring it all for 60% less.....the bastards!! How these people sleep at night is beyond me - so frankly, I'd just like to send a merry xmas message to them all and say that you morally corrupt assholes are bringing down society and ruining a perfectly good time of year, when we should be enjoying the values of family and religeon by getting drunk, getting fat, and beating up our grandmothers!!! Bah Humbug bitches!!!
*By the way, my company have a seasonal range of easter-themed dildo's coming out soon at a price that can't be ignored. Buy'em now at our early bird discount rates or you'll get crucified on the normal retail value! haha!