"In comparison with capitalism, which reconstituted man as an economic animal; in comparison with Marxism, which found man an object made up of organized matter; in comparison with catholicism, which saw him as the unwitting plaything of an imperious unseen power (the Divine Will); in comparison with dialectical materialism, which saw him as unwitting plaything of the deterministic evolution of the means of production- existentialism... Read More
"Perhaps love is a minor madness. And as with madness, it's unendurable alone. The one person who can relieve us is of course the sole person we cannot go to: the one we love. So instead we seek out allies, even among strangers and wives, fellow patients who, if they can't touch the edge of our particular sorrow, have felt something that cuts nearly as... Read More
"A freedom which is interested only in denying freedom must be denied. And it is not true that the recognition of the freedom of others limits my own freedom: to be free is not to have the power to do anything you like; it is to be able to surpass the given toward an open future; the existence of others as a freedom defines my... Read More
I've been in gaming overload this weekend. GOW2 is awesome, albeit a little easy.
I might trade in Fallout 3 in when Call of Duty comes out on Friday. It's great, but I'm just not an RPG fan (except FF). Talking to people, finding out info and all that.
It's a really good game, but not sure if it's for me. I've got until the end of the week to make my mind up.
I got into horrible yet laughable argument with Jenni once over a similar joke I'd made that got her knickers seriously in a twist. So it's hard to tell sometimes.
I can't read all that! I'm a busy man! Can't you summarise it for me? Like most of HP Lovecraft's work can be summarised as "unknown protagonist sees indescribable horror"?
That's quite possibly the scariest thing I've ever read. Bearing in mind the 'Scream' movies terrified me. I should have stopped after the first few paragraphs but you suckered me in. Argh!
It was lovely to meet you last night, you made me laugh so much my face hurt! And I haven't been able to stop thinking about that beautiful French woman since the meet.