Sitting on a bus as it's about to leave the bus stop, see a man with downs syndrome facing the road with the hood on his jacket up, looking distressed by the large crowd. Tall teenager and two friends approach man, tall one shouts something in his face. Downs man begins to cry loudly, teenagers congratulate each other and laugh.
The only time I can remember when I was actually morally obliged to punch someone in the face repeatedly and I stayed sat on the bus and fumed to myself instead. I was late for a lecture, what can I say?
This happened about 3 months ago and I can't stop wishing I'd stepped in.
Has anything like this happened to anyone else?
Yeah, I had a bunch of very drunken teen chavs get on the same bus as me yesterday in Leeds and start giving people grief. Eventually the driver asks them to get off and one of them foolishly decides to start on me. Suffice to say he learnt very quickly that it isn't a good idea to start on someone who's 6'1 when you're only about 5'7. I'm not an advocate of violence but DAMN that felt good!
smashing them in the face would have maybe made you feel better; Put you in Jail for the feeling too. These days you have to repeatedly report people to the police untill they can be arsed to start the prcedings for an ASBO, by which point the kids involved have dodged so many kickings they are beyond any cure, and will be arseholes for the rest of their lives.