Sorry about the lack of updates. Ive been busy getting drunk on that overrated thing called life. (yeay for that after-school-special sentance i just typed.)
But for your reading pleasure today, I have typed up the short-lived "Dating GlassHeart: an experience all its own". If you've ever wondered what its like to meet me in person, or date me, or make out with me, or fuck me in the ass....ITS YOUR LUCKY DAY! I've laid it all out into one easy process.
today, I made a new friend. He will help me describe such wild and crazy events within the "dating glassheart" category. His name is mini-tangerine.
Ohh fruit, how I love you. You delectable product of a wonderful state run by an ex-robot. California sun, you do wonders to such juicy edibles.
So, I treated this bright orange mini-fellow much like I would any [rather androgynous] male.
I am not one of those girls who uses her coy sense of wit and slithers up to give that succulent male the "come hither" eye.
Instead, I bite right in:
Then I savor that manly pharamone scent that they carry along like a bag of magical fairy-dust:
Then i dive into that "first base" status, and smooch up a storm:
...and all that other non-G rated stuff:
And Im big on biting. If I like you, i will bite you. there is something hot about having someones flesh between your teeth. And the look on their face is exquisite!
And then we are trotting quickly around the bases in no time. (wearing protection, of course)
And there is always at least one deep-throating experience. With me, its always good, baby.
And in the end, I am a swallower. Nothing feels better than that sour protein-enfused juice running down your esophagus, burning the cillia down to the flesh:
Suddenly that song from my childhood comes to mind: "look out, she's a MAN EATER!!!"
Have a sweet weekend, everyone.
Back to the books for me.
I hope someone gets Dave_H laid (his journal was so pathetic today).
But for your reading pleasure today, I have typed up the short-lived "Dating GlassHeart: an experience all its own". If you've ever wondered what its like to meet me in person, or date me, or make out with me, or fuck me in the ass....ITS YOUR LUCKY DAY! I've laid it all out into one easy process.
today, I made a new friend. He will help me describe such wild and crazy events within the "dating glassheart" category. His name is mini-tangerine.
Ohh fruit, how I love you. You delectable product of a wonderful state run by an ex-robot. California sun, you do wonders to such juicy edibles.
So, I treated this bright orange mini-fellow much like I would any [rather androgynous] male.
I am not one of those girls who uses her coy sense of wit and slithers up to give that succulent male the "come hither" eye.
Instead, I bite right in:
Then I savor that manly pharamone scent that they carry along like a bag of magical fairy-dust:
Then i dive into that "first base" status, and smooch up a storm:
...and all that other non-G rated stuff:
And Im big on biting. If I like you, i will bite you. there is something hot about having someones flesh between your teeth. And the look on their face is exquisite!
And then we are trotting quickly around the bases in no time. (wearing protection, of course)
And there is always at least one deep-throating experience. With me, its always good, baby.
And in the end, I am a swallower. Nothing feels better than that sour protein-enfused juice running down your esophagus, burning the cillia down to the flesh:
Suddenly that song from my childhood comes to mind: "look out, she's a MAN EATER!!!"
Have a sweet weekend, everyone.
Back to the books for me.
I hope someone gets Dave_H laid (his journal was so pathetic today).
[Edited on Mar 14, 2005 2:03PM]