In the midst of a hectic storm in her life, she found a place to breathe on the outside of consciousness. It's the little things that you notice randomly that make life worth living. She ponders this philosophy for a moment and then takes another breath.
The little bit of carbon dioxide that didnt escape with the last exhale pounded against the walls of her lungs, tainting the fresh oxygen a bit.
Why did the fractions of a second between each breath feel like a year?
She thought of the second hand smoke that she had aquired through the span of her life.
Glancing down, she noticed a new slice in her skin on the knuckle of her middle finger. Where the fuck did that come from? Where are all of these random knicks and cuts from? Does your skin split on its own, occassionally? Is that the way your clausterphobic innards try to slowly make their escape from the constricting dermis? Oh shit, I forgot to breathe...
This time, she held her breath. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine little capillaries imploding and alveoli combusting like little sacks of TNT. Soon, that thought turned too cartoon for her liking. In these last seconds of faith, she wanted to see the blood, gore, and puss that is human life. Her imagination was much more in depth than those teens who escape by sliding a butter knife across their inner thigh, making mere cat scratch marks on their virginity.
She opened her eyes and was instantly blinded by the light of the sun. Damn you, cancerous sun. Her pupils constricted and shrunk to the size of a pinhead. Her diaphragm quivered and begged for release.
Please breathe, her body begged.
A breeze came and blew dainty white flowers into the air. They snowed onto the bench where she was perched. Tiny white petals clung to her platinum locks. Angelic adornments for a damned angel. The smell of springtime stung her nostrils and kissed her pale lips. The time was now.
Another lunch break, another lifetime.
"I'll see you tomorrow.." she whispered to her fate, and walked back to work.
For some reason, Ive been thinking about many various people in my life lately. Those who have stayed, and those who have fled for dear life. I've aquired some new, dear friends lately and I couldnt be happier. I've been seeing a lot of Twinkie, and I must admit, she is an incredible person. I've also been enjoying random walks through downtown with my boss, mhamlet. Everyday I work, we find out new, exciting details about eachother.
I've been missing this boy oh so much lately:
Thank God for webcams and sleepless nights.
I've decided to push further in my education and do summer school for this upcoming summer quarter. As long as I have been avoiding it, my summer activities this year will be exclusive to getting intimate with Organic Chemistry.
Last week, my roommate went to Hawaii. She will arrive home tonight. Luckily, I was not left to sleep alone all week! Little Mr. Faithful, aka ElGuappoValdez, rode bart almost every single evening to sleep next to me. Then, the next day, he rode back to the city to serve the grumpy citizens of SF coffee (occasionally labelled with "!!!" after their name on the cup).
Tell me about the best class you ever had to take (or voluntarily took).
hmm.... of course you know its going to be body/medically related....
When I was a Junior in HS/Sophomore in College, I took Human Anatomy with my mom. She wanted to take it for fun and for a review, since she is already an RN. There was a mandatory cadaver lab included with the course. We were the first two to dive in and cut away. I specifically remember our cadaver being a lawyer (its really weird that I remember that....). We aquired the most points out of the whole class and got the two highest grades of the term. She was only taking that class, and I was taking 5 others at the time, as well.
The little bit of carbon dioxide that didnt escape with the last exhale pounded against the walls of her lungs, tainting the fresh oxygen a bit.
Why did the fractions of a second between each breath feel like a year?
She thought of the second hand smoke that she had aquired through the span of her life.
Glancing down, she noticed a new slice in her skin on the knuckle of her middle finger. Where the fuck did that come from? Where are all of these random knicks and cuts from? Does your skin split on its own, occassionally? Is that the way your clausterphobic innards try to slowly make their escape from the constricting dermis? Oh shit, I forgot to breathe...
This time, she held her breath. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine little capillaries imploding and alveoli combusting like little sacks of TNT. Soon, that thought turned too cartoon for her liking. In these last seconds of faith, she wanted to see the blood, gore, and puss that is human life. Her imagination was much more in depth than those teens who escape by sliding a butter knife across their inner thigh, making mere cat scratch marks on their virginity.
She opened her eyes and was instantly blinded by the light of the sun. Damn you, cancerous sun. Her pupils constricted and shrunk to the size of a pinhead. Her diaphragm quivered and begged for release.
Please breathe, her body begged.
A breeze came and blew dainty white flowers into the air. They snowed onto the bench where she was perched. Tiny white petals clung to her platinum locks. Angelic adornments for a damned angel. The smell of springtime stung her nostrils and kissed her pale lips. The time was now.
Another lunch break, another lifetime.
"I'll see you tomorrow.." she whispered to her fate, and walked back to work.
For some reason, Ive been thinking about many various people in my life lately. Those who have stayed, and those who have fled for dear life. I've aquired some new, dear friends lately and I couldnt be happier. I've been seeing a lot of Twinkie, and I must admit, she is an incredible person. I've also been enjoying random walks through downtown with my boss, mhamlet. Everyday I work, we find out new, exciting details about eachother.
I've been missing this boy oh so much lately:

Thank God for webcams and sleepless nights.
I've decided to push further in my education and do summer school for this upcoming summer quarter. As long as I have been avoiding it, my summer activities this year will be exclusive to getting intimate with Organic Chemistry.
Last week, my roommate went to Hawaii. She will arrive home tonight. Luckily, I was not left to sleep alone all week! Little Mr. Faithful, aka ElGuappoValdez, rode bart almost every single evening to sleep next to me. Then, the next day, he rode back to the city to serve the grumpy citizens of SF coffee (occasionally labelled with "!!!" after their name on the cup).
Tell me about the best class you ever had to take (or voluntarily took).
hmm.... of course you know its going to be body/medically related....
When I was a Junior in HS/Sophomore in College, I took Human Anatomy with my mom. She wanted to take it for fun and for a review, since she is already an RN. There was a mandatory cadaver lab included with the course. We were the first two to dive in and cut away. I specifically remember our cadaver being a lawyer (its really weird that I remember that....). We aquired the most points out of the whole class and got the two highest grades of the term. She was only taking that class, and I was taking 5 others at the time, as well.
And update already you lazy ass.