I'm seriously at a loss here and REALLY REALLY need some help....

graham (the ex of three years whom i broke up with back in Nov.) has a laptop that is on a payment plan through my sympatico(internet) account, he has not been making the payments on it, it has all been being paid for through my Credit card. he's now...
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shit that sucks
i hope things work out
sadly because its a legal agreement, you have little recourse
I'm officially done being nice to people. Its only ever bitten me in the ass and I'm fucking done.

Graham owes me almost 600$ in unpaid bills PLUS a laptop now.
I did all this shit as a fucking favour to him and he fucks me over.
I'll know better than to trust him ever again.
I feel so incredibly stupid for trusting or believing...
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hahaha annnnnnnnnnnnd I'm over it! lol

the job is going great I love it there. I'm learning so much!!! biggrin love

I have a phone again AND I got to fuck over my ex in the process (I've been REALLY nice to him after we broke up but he's been nothing but a fucking douchbag..so karma is a bitch...) I'm not a mallicious person, or vindictive in...
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yay!!!!!! i miss you ericka... i am soo excited you are doing well ... thanks for the life update lol<3333
today has been stressful and sad.

sometimes its hard to concentrait on working when your mind is on other things.

I dont like being sad...so i'm not gonna think about it.
I'll get over it. always do. I'm no stranger to this kinda sad..lol

oh how I love being vague!!!!
*hugs* smile
the new job kicks ass. I love it.
I love workin all the time again. its rad.

I got a sunburn on my arse today. but was happy to swim in the ocean before work. that was totally rad.

uh....nothing really to say...well lots to say...but no drive to say it.
another time lovelies.
So, I have a job!!!

I work at st. germains bakery!! thats right people I'm back in my element! I work in a bakery again biggrin I'm so bloody happy!
I make good money, full time hours and i get benefits after 3 months! AND there is room for promotion which is key!

life is grand!!
its my birthday today, i'm 21 shocked oh the insanity.
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super happy bday!!! so nice to read that you are happy, it's great news, babe... keep it real!
hey there how have you been damn its been a long time ..
so time for a semi long update thingy. finally.
cuz i'm sure ALL of you are wondering just what the heck is going on with me and all since I disapeared tongue. (not really but let me feel important anyways)

May 1st hopped on a plan and flew across the M'n F'n country to Vancouver!!!!
orrigionally I had a job lined up but got F'd...
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Aww. Yer so sweet. smile
I got my tongue pierced.

it hurts so bad :'(
cool, it will go down soon!!! i got mine done and richardt used to have 4 but only now has 2 in his smile smile
Awww. You can always just talk with a lisp and pretend that you are mentally handicapped. tongue

Have a great day! biggrin
I officially LOVE vancouver smile
aw, how are ya dahlin?
I need a job.
but i gots my tax return monies so i'm good! biggrin