seriously...NOTHING wants to fucking go RIGHT for me for once....
the fucking EEG is going to take a full bloody hour..which means that I'm for sure going to be LATE for my tattoo appointment. which means, the chances of finishing are growing smaller and smaller.
to top it off I had yet again, ANOTHER incident last night....
that makes 4 in two weeks.
I really dont think that its normal......
AND the fucking guy with the apartment is a fucking flake, you tell him you'll give him a call at a certain time and he doesn't answer, you leave a message, he wont reply, you write him a fucking email and he DOESN"T GET BACK TO YOU!
Its truly NOT fair. when you're THIS willing to put the effort that should be desired by a landlord when getting a new tenant, but THEY'RE NOT WILLING TO SHOW YOU THE SAME COURTESY. I'm so mad, and upset and everything >.<
I'm so pissed off at the world right now.
when the only thing I want is for SOMETHING to go MY way for once...and I just keep getting slapped in the face.
I could rant more, but seriously there really is NO fucking point anymore. its NOT making me feel better, its NOT going to make ANYTHING better.
fuck you karma, i'm a good person, what the hell did I do to deserve all this thrown at me at once? hunh?!
just FUCK YOU..........
seriously...NOTHING wants to fucking go RIGHT for me for once....
the fucking EEG is going to take a full bloody hour..which means that I'm for sure going to be LATE for my tattoo appointment. which means, the chances of finishing are growing smaller and smaller.
to top it off I had yet again, ANOTHER incident last night....
that makes 4 in two weeks.
I really dont think that its normal......
AND the fucking guy with the apartment is a fucking flake, you tell him you'll give him a call at a certain time and he doesn't answer, you leave a message, he wont reply, you write him a fucking email and he DOESN"T GET BACK TO YOU!
Its truly NOT fair. when you're THIS willing to put the effort that should be desired by a landlord when getting a new tenant, but THEY'RE NOT WILLING TO SHOW YOU THE SAME COURTESY. I'm so mad, and upset and everything >.<
I'm so pissed off at the world right now.
when the only thing I want is for SOMETHING to go MY way for once...and I just keep getting slapped in the face.
I could rant more, but seriously there really is NO fucking point anymore. its NOT making me feel better, its NOT going to make ANYTHING better.
fuck you karma, i'm a good person, what the hell did I do to deserve all this thrown at me at once? hunh?!
just FUCK YOU..........

Awe before I went and checked up on my school history I had some hope of making it out to Canada but now I dont know if any where will let me in with my GPA its wierd. I dont know what to do really at this point
Let me know how things went today, like I said I am worred and hope your okay