so a fridge door fell on my foot today.
spent a fun morning/afternoon at the hospital in seering pain.
i'm off the rest of the week on comp or something. meaning i still get paid because it happened at work and totally was NOT my fault.
like c' the hell could i make a fridge door fall on my foot intentionally
my totally rad boss came to pick me up from the hospital to drive me home and gave my lunch that angie had scrapped together for me.
now get this, she give me one of wendy's special chicken hoagie sammiches, fries with gravey and TWO pork chops.
ok c'mon..I can understand the sammich and the fries, and even the gravey...but TWO PORKCHOPS?!?!! LOL I thought it was funny.
I feel bad though, like..i dont want lesley to get stressed for the rest of the week cause i cant work
sucks man. hopefully if i keep off it for the next four days I'll be able to work monday. HOPEFULLY.
I must say this man is sexy! transmetropolitain is the BEST comic EVER! for serious!
spent a fun morning/afternoon at the hospital in seering pain.
i'm off the rest of the week on comp or something. meaning i still get paid because it happened at work and totally was NOT my fault.
like c' the hell could i make a fridge door fall on my foot intentionally
my totally rad boss came to pick me up from the hospital to drive me home and gave my lunch that angie had scrapped together for me.
now get this, she give me one of wendy's special chicken hoagie sammiches, fries with gravey and TWO pork chops.
ok c'mon..I can understand the sammich and the fries, and even the gravey...but TWO PORKCHOPS?!?!! LOL I thought it was funny.
I feel bad though, like..i dont want lesley to get stressed for the rest of the week cause i cant work
I must say this man is sexy! transmetropolitain is the BEST comic EVER! for serious!
I do hope Canada's workman's comp is better that the USA's.
Also hope you feel better soon!