My website finally went up. It looks nice but it still isnt finished yet. We still have to add gallery photos and a couple of other pages. Let me know what you think.
going to check it out now... glass blowing is something I have allways wanted to lear. is it hard running a school? tc and I hope to talk with you more soon.
I was very scared last month. The beginning was still very slow and by the 15th my phone and gas service had been shut off. So I had to float a couple of checks to get them turned back on. In the end I barely squeaked it out. After the 18 money really started to roll in. I heading into the busy time of year... Read More
August kicked my ass. It was a terrible month. It was so hot it made hard to work. All the students are waiting for September to start up again so I lost about 10,000$ in sales just from that. All my sales were down. I just barely was able to pay enough on my bills to not get them shut off or evicted. I did... Read More
It has been very busy at my hot shop. I am designing many new products and color patterns. It sure has been up and down with the cash flow. I posted some new pictures of my work. I have had a hard time getting pictures up because my camera got stolen out of here when I first moved in.
I might well have the chance this week, thurdsday or so. I have some other things to get figured out, and then I shall get back to you, probably early in the week next week.
This year I opened my own glassblowing school and production studio. To be honest I am tired of getting my ass kicked on a daily level by expenses that I didnt see coming. Are there any other small business owners out there to mentor me?
All and all it has been a great experience and I love the struggle for if it came to pass... Read More
Come on down Tawnya everyone is welcome. It has been a long time since Ive had to make stuff I dont like. To be honest, whoodini, I have so many orders to fill its driving me nuts. I have too much to do and too little time. Thanks for the complements.