So... for lack of something better here's something that I ran into on a non-sg blog and it tickled my artistic fancy.
Not exactly accurate, were you to ask me, but it is hella-fun.
That's right: I said "hella." Not "holla." I ain't no Holla-Back boy.
I'm done now.
Apparantly I can't figure out getting code in this thing... the code block has led me astray. I however registered it just so you could take a peek.
Voila: me, in pictures
Not exactly accurate, were you to ask me, but it is hella-fun.
That's right: I said "hella." Not "holla." I ain't no Holla-Back boy.
I'm done now.
Apparantly I can't figure out getting code in this thing... the code block has led me astray. I however registered it just so you could take a peek.
Voila: me, in pictures
So if you could partake, what colour would your hair be?
It'll be our secret.